Do you have little eyebrow hair, thin eyebrows or do you think the shape of your own eyebrows does not match the rest of your face?

It is good to imagine that you are looking for a solution to have your eyebrows treated.

With Ombre Brows from Marking Beauty, this problem has been solved.

Manual permanent make-up (MPM) is a technique for beautifying the eyebrows, eyes and lips by applying pigment into the skin with a pen with fine needles. A new trend? The technique is centuries old. In fact, it is the oldest form of tattooing. The technique originates from Japan and is called 'tebori'.

Manuele permanente make-up (MPM) is een techniek voor het verfraaien van de wenkbrauwen, ogen en lippen door met een pen met fijne naaldjes pigment in de huid aan te brengen. Een nieuwe trend? De techniek is al eeuwenoud. Sterker nog, het is de oudste vorm van tatoeëren. De techniek is afkomstig uit Japan en wordt ‘tebori’ genoemd.


Behandeling Prijs
Powder Brows € 300,-
Eyeliner boven € 125,-
Eyeliner onder € 125,-
Marking Beauty (schoonheids stip) € 45,-

Het wordt sterk aangeraden om thuis zelf verdovingsmiddel (crème) aan te schaffen en een uur voor de de behandeling deze aan te brengen! 

It is strongly recommended to purchase your own anesthetic (cream) at home and to apply it one hour before the treatment!

Ombré powder brows stay beautiful on average between 1.5 - 2 years. Like any form of semi-permanent make-up, Ombré powder brows need to be updated every one to two years to maintain the color and intensity. When you can best do this touch-up also has to do with your skin type, your care rituals, your lifestyle and the extent to which and how often you expose your skin to the sun / tanning bed. Check the menu for the rates.

Touch up Behandeling Prijs
Powder Brows € 150,-
Eyeliner € 65,-


The threshold to have permanent make-up applied is high for some people. New developments in this field, such as the rediscovery of manual permanent make-up, make it more accessible. Working manually provides a softer and more natural-looking form of permanent make-up than the classic permanent make-up that is applied with a device. Unlike 'machine work', manual permanent make-up is suitable for every skin type. In addition, the treatment time is shorter, the pigment is better retained in the skin and work is more hygienic because of the disposable tools!

 Ombre Brows?


Are you not yet familiar with this form of permanent make-up and are you wondering what ombre powder brows are? We are happy to explain it to you. Ombre brows or powder brows is a relatively new technique in which the eyebrows are shaded with permanent make-up (PMU). The start is light and airy and the end of the eyebrow is sharper, tighter and darker colored. Ombre eyebrows are known for the natural look, which is comparable to applying eyebrow powder makeup yourself. The big difference, however, is that ombre powder brows are semi-permanent. This means that the permanent make-up is applied just below the lower layer of the epidermis and the upper layer of the dermis. As a result, the eyebrows remain beautifully colored for an average of 1.5 to 2 years. After this it is possible to update the eyebrows and treat them again. At Beauty Mark it is also possible to come by for a touch up, so that you can always get up with beautiful eyebrows.


Before And after care

  • Do not take alcohol, drugs, aspirin or other blood-thinning medication 24 hours prior to treatment.
  • You are not allowed to sunbathe or go to the sunbed 2 weeks before the treatment.
  • Do not undergo a heavy scrub / peeling 7 days in advance.
  • Stop applying Vitamin A/ Retinol containing creams to the treated area one month in advance.
  • When the treatment falls during your menstrual week, you may be more sensitive during this period. You can possibly take a paracetamol an hour before the treatment. It is also wise not to schedule your appointment just before an important event or a holiday.
  • If you regularly draw on your eyebrows, please come to the appointment with your usual way of eyebrow makeup.
  • The treatment We will start the treatment by filling in an intake form. We discuss your wishes and the possibilities. Then your eyebrows are carefully measured and drawn and together we determine the right shape and color.
  • After we have created the perfect shape, I will start applying the semi-permanent make-up.
  • A first treatment takes about 3 hours.


Immediately after treatment The treated area may be slightly red and possibly slightly swollen. This side effect often disappears within a few hours. After the treatment, the color is always about 40% darker for the first 5 to 7 days than the color that was chosen together with you as the end result. This has to do with the natural healing process of the skin. You can only see the full result after about 30 days because then the skin has fully recovered. It is also possible that small scabs/flakes may appear after the treatment. You don't have to worry about that, this is part of the skin's recovery process.


A freshly applied semi-permanent make-up is comparable to an abrasion. The wound caused by the pigmentation needs time and care to heal. The aftercare is therefore very important and essential for the end result! Immediately after the treatment you will receive the Chrissies aftercare form on which everything is stated in detail. Below are a number of main points;

After the treatment it is very important to keep the eyebrows completely dry for the next 10 days. No water and cleaning products. No sauna, bath or swimming water. Do not use eyebrow makeup for the first 2 weeks. Do not use a sunbed or direct sunlight for the first 2 weeks. Nice weather?

After 10 days, rub your eyebrows with SPF 50. No facial treatments or peels for 2 weeks. DO NOT scratch/pull scabs off during the healing process!

Post-treatment Follow-up treatment takes place after 6-8 weeks. During this treatment, any corrections can be made to the shape and color. This 1st follow-up treatment is included in the price of the first treatment and must be done within 8 weeks.


Marking Beauty Beautician uses Biotek Brow ink for the Permanent Make-up treatment

Biotek is an international Permanent Make-Up and has years of experience in the PMU and Beauty industry. Formulated with the Signature line, there are 5 shades that are ideal for eyebrows. Because the pigments can be mixed, Marking Beauty PMU artist can now create all shades of eyebrows for different skin types with this Signature set.